Hope Cappuccio
As Hope Cappuccio sat in the hospital room with her husband Santo, who had just suffered the first of three heart attacks, they glanced over at a plaque on the wall. The room had been named for someone who wanted to give back to Community Hospital with a donation.
Santo admired the sentiment. In fact, he loved it. Hope never forgot that moment in 1988. And when Santo passed away from cancer in January of 2006, she knew what she would do.
The donation in honor of her husband of 45 years was the purchase of a room - complete with a plaque - in one of the new Emergency department treatment rooms.
It made perfect sense; that's where Hope credits Dr. Thomas Kehl with saving her husband's life that first time nearly 20 years ago. Hope hasn't seen the plaque yet, but she isn't in a rush. She's certain Santo would have loved it.